Dining with ants and discovering the giant wine glass cat tree

January 23, 2023

We have been slowly losing our battle with ants but the war continues.   We now have to feed them close together to buy them more time to eat.    There is also lots of video of Smokey and Vanilla and MiniBean and Cheesecake all enjoying the new Giant Wine Glass cat tree that we bought from SquarePaws.   The size makes our cats all look like tiny kittens again:).   While not inexpensive, the really cool cat trees that Mario custom makes are both art and cat tree.  They are also made really well and look like they will hold up a long time.  It certainly will be getting a good test at our house.  Please help share SquarePaws.com as they are an active FIP Corporate warrior.   Help spread the word that shopping at our Cat Stuff online store helps raise money to end FIP and also shows support for companies that will step forward and help in this battle.

Smokey showing off his new muscles while MiniBean and Nugget play below
Vanilla Bean, Cheesecake, Smokey, and MiniBean
Smokey inside the wine glass

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