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FIP Warrior:


Wall-e was born March 2009 to a feral mom. He was abandoned on a nice lady's deck and she found him. I saw her post reaching out for help and I responded. She brought him to me the next day. He was so cute and tiny. I loved him instantly. I was pregnant with my youngest son and was due in June. Wall-e did great through bottle feeding. When he was 2 months old, he was injured by one of the kids and had to go to the emergency vet. I feared the worst, but he was ok. Just mild issues. He fully recovered. He has always been an indoor kitty and he was neutered at a year old. He has been healthy overall. When he was a few years old, he had a fever and was not well but a trip to the vet and a shot of a long lasting antibiotic and he was fine. Over the years he has comforted all 4 of my kids through all sorts of tears and fits. He used to play tag with them all through the house. He would go help wake then up for school. He especially liked a little taste of snuff from his daddy. His daddy is his favorite person. He has always gotten so excited when he would come home from work. Wall-e would talk and purr and be silly and want loves and to be held. He would also nuzzle into your neck and "nurse'. Even though he is 11 years old, he still acted like a baby. His fur siblings love him as much as the human ones. On Tuesday we noticed he wasn't acting like himself and was off his food. I thought maybe just an off day. We all have those. On Wednesday night I noticed his belly was swollen looking and he was just sitting around and not eating or drinking. I gave him a spoon of canned cat food and he ate it but threw it up. Thursday morning we went to the vet. They did an ultrasound and found a mass the size of a small orange in his belly along with fluid. So...they admitted him to the hospital for tests and put him on iv fluids/meds. The diagnosis is FIP. There is no veterinary treatment for FIP. There is treatment that is unregulated that is expensive and has a high chance of working. We just have to get it ourselves and administer it ourselves. try to get help to get him the stuff he needs. He is still in the hospital. And that is where we are at now. Tomorrow we go pick up a few emergency vials and see how this works. I love you Wall-e...keep being strong and keep fighting. Let's kick FIP's butt!

Wall-E's Pages:
