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FIP Warrior:


Yesterday my sweet 6 month old Tucker was given the FIP diagnosis😢 and I am completely heartbroken. Up until them, I had only heard of FIP but didn’t really know much about it. I still don’t know a lot except that it is almost always fatal.
His vet put him on prednisone and basically told me to take him home and continue giving it to him until it no longer gave him relief.😭 Bloodwork was done 12/20  so now I wait to find out how much his organs have been affected.  They also drained 80ml of fluid from his chest to help him breathe a little better.  It’s been 24 hours and it definitely seems to have helped.  

I was connected to a Facebook group and have read a lot stories of successful treatment and now I have hope that my sweet Tucker can beat FIP too.  He deserves a chance to beat this!   I’m glad there are so many people sharing their stories.

Tucker's Pages:
