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FIP Warrior:


Orson is a young British Longhair, 10 months old. He has been diagnosed with wet fip 15 days after his spaying, at the age of 8 months. He was lethargic, he has ascite, jaundice, dilated pupils, anemia and ataxia (he could barely walk, couldn't climb the stairs or jump). We've heard about GS441524 when we thought it was too late but with a supportive online community we have tried it quickly after the discovery. We were struggling to keep him alive (we had to force feed him with syringe, we did iv fluids at home, our vet punctured some of the liquid in his abdomen...) and after on week of gs injections the miracle happened. Orson slowly came back to us, he started eating back, then drinking, playing, walking, running... Now Orson is on his 6th week of GS and we hope he'll be cured some day