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FIP Warrior:


Kim is a joyful, bold and courageous kitty. Sometimes a bully, I must admit haha. The legend states that on her first weeks in this planet, she used to be the newborn queen of the Magdalena Mixhuca, small neighbourhood 20 minutes away from the heart of Mexico City. Nobody would mess with her. Her elegance and boldness would scare the deadliest of the street dogs (and humans). She has always been the queen. A badass one.

Her ferocious boldness has put her through many adventures. But as the kitty warrior she is, she has faced big challenges and battles on her first 12 months of life.

Last week her stomach started to balloon up. In a matter of 3 days her stomach was big, as if she was pregnant. But that couldn't be the case. I took her to the vet and after a few laboratory tests, she was diagnosed with FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis), a deadly disease caused by a virus. "There is nothing we can do," said the doctor, who suggested it was a waste of time.

After the death sentence, I never lost hope. Because my best friend has healed me when I've been at my worst (physically and emotionally).

On the next days, I witnessed how Kim would wake up to go about her daily life. Ignoring completely the words of the "specialists", she kept being herself. Bullying me so I would give her my chicken, climbing in front of my laptop so I would pay attention to her and waking me up with her tongue on my left eye.

Nevertheless, the weight on her stomach, her sudden digestive problems and her loss of appetite clearly exhausted my best friend, who would look at me in the eyes saying "what the hell is going on?", while I'd glanced at her saying. "I don't know, my friend. I don't know, either".

After digging the web I found a treatment for Kim. Although
monumentally expensive and hard to get I managed to find the way to get it.

As we work with faith and love, we don't know yet how we are gonna raise enough money to pay for the treatment. But we are not gonna stop.

Against all odds, Kim is on her feet. Fighting for her life. Fighting to enjoy those 12pm sunbaths. If my best friend wants to keep living, I will go to the end of the world to accomplish it.

Join the #KimTheLittleWarrior community and donate today. It means the world to us. Thank you!

Kim's Pages:
