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FIP Warrior:


Our little kitty came to us at only a couple days old. He was missing an eye due to trauma so my daughter named him Fury, after Nick Fury, a Marvel character who is also missing an eye. He is still a baby at 7 months old and yet we are faced with the possibility of losing him. He has developed FIP and has stopped eating on his own and is fighting for his life. I promised my daughter I would do everything I can for him and have found a very promising treatment. The treatment is expensive and being a single mom I have an extremely hard time finding all the funds to complete his treatment
course. Treatment will be about $3,000 and I have maxed out my personal assets and hope to raise the additional funds. Any amount is appreciated. He is 2 weeks in to treatment and had made huge strides towards recovery and I don't want to stop now.

Thank you!

Fury's Pages:
