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FIP Warrior:


My sweet Cinder was brought into my local cat rescue in June 2020, at a mere 4 weeks old.  He came from the backwoods of West Virginia where he and his siblings were tossed outside, to fend for themselves before being rescued by a good samaritan. I immediately fell in love with his bright greenish-yellow eyes and his fluffy face. It's one of those things where an animal comes into your life and you just know they're meant to be yours. He laid next to me, refusing to leave my side, when my golden retriever passed away and I was grieving. He never let me cry on the bathroom floor alone. He is so beyond sweet and loving. Loves to play with his brothers, Batman and Calvin, especially. He is the first one to tell us in the morning that it's time for breakfast, and when the food bowls are empty. He makes me laugh and makes me feel whole again. When he started laying around, not eating (huge red flag for him) during the week of 5/27/2021, I immediately knew something was wrong and took him to the vet. Vet thought it was a bug or virus, and gave antibiotics. Instead of getting better, he got worse over Memorial Day weekend. When the vet reopened on Tuesday, I made another same-day appointment and got him in for bloodwork. He got a different antibiotic...and then his results came back. He was now wobbling on his feet and crouched low to the ground when he walked to make sure it didn't hurt when he fell. I started carrying him around the house, and it broke my heart. We've successfully treated two of our other cats for Dry/Neuro FIP, and when he started wobbling and losing weight rapidly, I knew in my gut that's what it was. We're almost 3 weeks into treatment with Mutian, and the turnaround is amazing. He is back to that spunky kitten I fell in love with, and wants to eat everything again. He's up to 9lbs, (was down to almost 7.5 before, and that weightloss was within a week of finding out he had FIP.) and is doing so well. He is one of the lights of my life, and to have him taken so soon would destroy me. After all he went through to survive as a tiny kitten, it just doesn't seem fair he again has to fight for his life. We're just out of the gate in terms of treatment, but I have lots of hope. I believe in my warrior. He's the light of my life, and I can't imagine losing him.

Cinder's Pages:
