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FIP Warrior:


I have to tell a sad story even though this is a sad story. I lost my dachshund named Allie I had for 15 last years. This deviated me and still does. I lost my child. I was grieving and missing that love that Allie used to give me. So in hopes of having a little baby that I can cuddle and they cuddle me back I set out for a little kitty. I found Aurora through a cat shelter and I was told she would be perfect. They couldn't be any more right. She's brought me so much joy and more comfort in my grieving process. Unfortunately as of recently my little Aurora has fallen ill so I rushed her to the vets. They give me the diagnosis that she has wet FIP and she has a few weeks to a few months to live. I can't loose another baby and she needs to be able to live. I need her here with me. Please. Help Aurora get her treatments.

Aurora's Pages:
