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FIP Warrior:


Short story: Aggie was diagnosed with dry ocular FIP in May 2019 and started GS treatment on June 3rd 2019. Her last shot was August 23rd 2019 and is now CURED!

Long story: I met Aggie (her rescue name was Agent 99) when I was volunteering with a local animal rescue, one of the things I did was go to the local pet stores that we had our kittens in and help make sure they were being taken care of and any sick babies got to the vet. About two months before then I had lost my 10 year old kitty to bladder cancer, it was the first time as an adult I had to make the decision to put an animal to sleep and it had been a very painful previous 6 months of that with him. When I got to the pet shop to help with the sick kitties Aggie was already in a transport crate and I absentmindedly did my normal "hi kitty, kitty" and waved my finger in front of the crate and the next thing I knew I had a furry little paw whacking my finger and crying at me to play with her. It was love at first bat for me and I told our founder (who was taking the kitty to her house to give her meds) that she should really let me know how things go with her (hint, hint).

Over the next week I couldn't stop thinking about her and I knew she was the one for me to adopt. I decided that I would go ahead and bring her back to my house and let her recover from an upper respiratory infection with me, isolated from my other two kitties, and by the time she was over her sickness hopefully the other two cats would accept her and be used to her smell by then. Aggie had been sharing a crate with another sick kitty and the next day I decided she was probably pretty lonely by herself and that I should bring the other kitty home to recoup with her and then I would bring him to one of the pet shops for adoption. So long story short Linc was also adopted and I had my first foster fail.

Over the next nine months I lost my 16 year old dog and my 18 year old cat, so when Aggie was diagnosed with FIP less than year since my first kitty passed I was beyond the ability to accept that fate for a 1 year old cat, or myself. I went into all-out research mode and got multiple opinions on what could be wrong with Aggie from multiple vets and eventually came across GS-441524 and was devastated again that it wasn't available in the US. I was told about the FIP Warriors using GS Facebook group (now FIP Warriors 5.0) by a new friend from another FIP group and that is how I was able to obtain this life saving medication.

Aggie started treatment on June 3rd 2019 and after 7 days her right eye was back to normal and she had gained 1/2 lb, then about 2-3 weeks in she started to backslide losing weight and not wanting to eat. After getting her first month's labs she had a lot of things either higher or lower than they should have been (for being treated for a month). I increased her daily dose and her second month labs have shown amazing results with most of her levels returning to normal ranges. After increasing her dose for the last 8 weeks she returned to normal and her labs steadily increased.

Aggie's A:G was ~0.30 before treatment. At the end of active treatment her A:G was ~0.50 which is not the target ratio but I had to look at the whole picture of her health and just accept that some cats have a lower A:G to begin with. After 12 weeks of observation her A:G was ~6.0. One year after her initial diagnosis her A:G was 0.70!

I can't thank Dr. Niels Pedersen and his team at UC Davis enough for their amazing breakthrough with GS-441524 and the life it has given back to my baby.

Aggie has a website (, a Facebook page ( and an Instagram account (@AggieFightsFIP) if you want to read about her journey beating dry ocular FIP!

Aggie's Pages:

Aggies Website

