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FIP Warrior:


Hi everyone, my name is Brittney and I am here to talk about my 3-month old bengal kitten. Artic means the absolute world to my boyfriend & I.  He is my registered emotional support animal, our best friend, and our baby.

About 2-3 weeks ago we noticed Artic wasn’t acting like himself. It has always been hard for him to keep down the food, but we just hoped it was because of the adjustment to a new food. But then he was no longer that spunky little kitten, full of life playing with his two kitty siblings. He became very lethargic and began to refuse to eat. We took him to our vet and were given a care plan of antibiotics, probiotic, wet food, and prescription wet food and had a follow up for today.

Unfortunately, he was not improving and at our follow-up we were given the news we definitely didn’t want to hear. Our baby was given a low chance of survival with the diagnosis of wet FIP, something I have never heard of. FIP stands for Feline Infectious Peritonitis. It is a mutation of feline coronavirus that was considered to be 100% fatal up until a few years ago.

Artic will be receiving treatment for FIP as of tonight, February 5th, and none of it is covered by pet insurance because it is still considered experimental treatment. With a 90% success rate, treatment consists of least 84 daily injections, with bloodwork and ultrasounds at 30, 60, and 80 days. If all looks good at 84 days, we move into “observation” mode with just bloodwork & ultrasounds every month for another 3 months BEFORE he will be considered “cured”, although this is something he will always suffer with.

The treatment for FIP is incredibly expensive due to the nature of the disease, the specialized medications required, and the routine testing that needs to be done. For a two week dose, the medical costs can be over $1,000. This results in over $6,000 worth of medication, plus additional expenses for the blood tests and ultrasounds. But as any pet parent would understand, we are committed to doing everything in our power to provide our baby Artic with the best possible care and treatment.

Our current goal is set to cover the cost of treatment, plus any fees & unexpected expenses that come along the way.

Please help us save our boy. He deserves a long and beautiful life to live with us and his two fur siblings. ❤️

Artic's Pages:
