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FIP Warrior:


Meera used to be an energetic and fiesty terror who loved racing through the house and terrorizing her adopted brother. Then one day it all stopped. She didn't want to play anymore and she started sleeping more and more. Then one eye clouded over and the third eyelid started to show. The day she couldn't cross the room without falling over we raced back to the vet and she told us it was likely FIP. Prior to this we'd tried treating ear infections and the eye infections and behavior symptoms as Toxoplasmosis, but being told it was FIP was easily the most terrifying moment with her. The vet told me to reach out to FIP Warriors and they'd help walk me through 84 days of treatment and 84 days of observation. There was hope and everything looked good and admin and the support group have been great. The treatment itself is expensive and the vet visits to monitor her progress add to the overwhelming total. I will do anything in my power for my little fighter. We are starting Day 6 today. Her appetite has improved, her eye has mostly cleared up, and she's started showing an interest in her housemates again.  I can see glimpses of the tiny terror she used to be, and we are determined to beat this thing.

Meera's Pages:
