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FIP Warrior:

Ramses & Seti

Greetings dearest Peter from Argentina!!! Ramses -to the left- developed wet FIP almost two years ago and was successfully treated. Months later a lady whom had purchased Seti from a catery -in order to use him a a stud and start her own catery- abandoned him at the vet after being diagnosed with the wet form as well. He stayed as a temporary pet in the vets office while we gathered the means to treat him. He responded great, developing a sweet and playful personality. I had a hunch and called Ramses owner to tell him “if you ever think of having another Sphinx cat, well, you might as well take a look to this baby and pay for the rest of his treatment instead of buying one…” He came to the vets office two days later, fell in love with him and payed for the rest of the treatment! Today they live the life of two pharaons, make a terrific team and are both FIP Warriors!!! I thought of sharing it with you since your home also has Egiptian beauties!!! Cheers!💕💕💕