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FIP Warrior:

Teddy Blue

Teddy was suspected wet fip, his abdomen was huge with fluid it was like it was going to explode, he was severely dehydrated, lethargic, hadn’t eaten for the whole week or gone to his litter for a wee or poo. He was admitted for 2 days into the pet hospital and from there I was advised to put him to sleep. The vets had decided Teddy was on his last stage and he wouldn’t survive the next 24hrs. I had luckily found FIP Warriors and was convinced to fight for Teddy as he was 9 1/2 months old at the time and he was showing signs that he was strong and could fight this disease / illness. I had to convince the vets to discharge Teddy and had made a false promise to them to put him to sleep 3 days later as they were insisting on keeping him in the hospital. 6 vets had refused to help to treat Teddy, 4 in person and 2 over the phone. We also didn’t officially get Teddy diagnosed as all his symptoms were leading to FIP and we started treatment ASAP. His bloods included high proteins, his white bloods cells were over the place and red bloods cells etc. I was kindly sent out someone with emergency vials to inject Teddy. The day before he was due to be put to sleep he had finally gone to the litter and done a wee and poo. He also started to show interest in food and the fluid started to slowly decrease from his abdomen. By day 10 on the treatment his fluid had completely gone. On day 28 his lethargy had gone and he was no longer yellow coloured (jaundice), his new day 28 bloods had shown some good improvements. Teddy is now on day 55 of treatment, he is thriving, has put on a healthy amount of weight from 2.5kg when he was ill to 4.5kg. He is a completely different cat. He’s a lot more active and we are soo grateful for the GS treatment. From experience the sooner you start treatment the better chance of your cat getting well quicker. I’ve sent a pic collage below and you can see on day 3 how big his abdomen was with fluid that he was struggling to walk as it was heavy and it was hanging to the floor.