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FIP Warrior:


Apollo is my 4th fip warrior. I was hoping to never have to post this again but here we are. My tiny angel Lucifur left us almost 2 years ago, fip took her before I even knew what it was or that fip warriors existed. Since then I cured my Pumpkin of wet fip and my sweet Bear of neurological fip. He still has a tiny butt wiggle from the severity of the damage but we think it's the most adorable thing ever. He couldn't walk or even move for what felt like eternity.
I've helped many babies get started on the journey and be cured. I've seen a few not make it and it breaks my heart when they find help too late. I knew my baby Apollo had fip before the bloodwork came back. Hopefully I started him on the meds in time and he will be ok. He's already a kind of a miracle baby. He made it without his mama for over a day at only a week old. He's a survivor. I can't let him die and will do whatever I can to save him.

Apollo's Pages:
